Closing reception for show in Cincinnati..
Clay Street Press and The Bluegrass Printmakers’ Cooperative
is Proud to Present
This exhibition features seven artists who are all members of The Bluegrass Printmakers’ Cooperative based in Lexington, KY. It shows the breadth and depth of printmaking in the central Kentucky area and displays the multi-faceted talents of the group and as well the rich history of printmaking in Lexington. The featured artists are Kirsti Andersson, Linda Blumer, Jim Brancaccio, Marta Dorton,
Elizabeth Foley, Glenna Hamilton, Jonas Hurley, Cristina Igelmo, Cathy Vigor and Stephen Wiggins.
The Bluegrass Printmakers’ Cooperative was founded with the donation of an antique press from Lillian Boyer and the Lexington Art League to LexArts, the local arts organization, and opened in 2005. Partnering with LexArts and through their Space to Create Initiative, they operated from 2004 until 2016 in the lower level of Artsplace. Since that time the group has grown to twenty artists working in all types of print media: collagraph, monoprint, etching, woodcut and linoleum cut. Not only do members use the press to create their own art, but they also work as a group to promote printmaking through exhibitions and community outreach. In 2016 the Bluegrass Printmakers' Cooperative moved to Artworks at the Carver and now will include classes and workshops at the location through Lexington Parks and Recreation.
Closing Reception
February 24th, 2017
6pm to 9pm
Clay Street Press
1312 Clay St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202
more about The Bluegrass Printmakers’ Cooperative;
Instagram: @BluegrassPrintCoop
Twitter: @Bprintmakers
Pinterest: pinterest/bgprintmakers
For more info contact:
Mark Patsfall
Clay Street Press, Inc.
1312 Clay St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202
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