Holla at your boi STEVE WIGGINS and we out here at the washington dc area museums!

 Holla at your boi steve wiggins.  I am just documenting what I am doing here in DC.  No one literally no one reads this blog so I can do whatever I want and say whatever I want because who cares, figuratively?  

And I got time stacked on time.  I could be doing something else.  Probably could do ADULTING things but daggone if this is the worst thing I am doing in life then I AM LIVING A GOOD LIFE!!!

I went to the hirsh horn museum today because I thought I was going to see the EXHIBITION from the MTV show the exhibit. But alas no exhibits.  But it was cool to go to this museum though.  The last time I was here was in 2001 on a school trip with berea college.

I like how they tell you where the entrance is.  This helps for us directionally challenged folks.  

Also worth noting. It is free so you can just walk into this thing. 

So basically now I am interested in ceramics and sculpture after Looking at these images from SIMONE LEIGH.

I just love these sculptures because of the hair

Look at these.  Its fascinating.  I love afros and hair and so this is right up my alley.
This was made with the same materials as plates you eat off of.  I wonder if the artist wanted to show the fragility of hair or culture.  I dunno.
Just great stuff!  I love her work.  Also to note no flash was used and these images were taken with my pixel 3.

Man I gotta do something like this but in a lithography print.
This sculpture was made with found objects it seems and arranged in just a magical way that is very satisfying.
I saw the capital today and just tried to imagine what it would have looked like to be on the mall in 2009 for obama's inauguration or even during the capital riot in 2021.  Just couldn't believe I could see this building in person.
A great painting from Picasso.  Glad I can see Picasson in person at the national gallery of art.
A Max Beckmann in the wild
I love how this piece looks wonderful.   alexej von jawlensky
Gustav Klimt yall.  I mean what can you say?  Just awesome.
Kandinsky of course.  I guess as an artist you are supposed to have a style and make sure its something that people can recognize.  WHOOPS!
This just makes me think differently about printmaking and sculpture.  This is an edition of 30 and the box was screen printed and this piece is an edition of 30.  I wonder how that works out.  Editioning?  Right?
As a big inspiration for my bus stop piece on third street and elm in lexington.  I was glad I could go see a warhol in person.
I love the repetition of pattern and the scale of the pattern.  I am learning from warhol and how to keep it simple and to keep it interesting using the techniques of screen printing that warhol did.
This is a huge inspiration and motivation for my lextran bus stop pieces.  I got into a conversation with one of the security guards who was talking about screen printing so that was cool. 
I went to see artwork from Indigenious people at the museum as well and loved this lithography piece.
A john hitchcock installation or screen prints and vinyl.

Lovely lithography prints.

Carved marble of a bull head. 
Look at the detail.  Its like the sculpture and material just sung off the surface.  I could literally hear it singing. Something about carved marble just does that.

I guess that's it!  I got some videos I would like to put up too, but I dunno we got internet problems so that's it for now! 


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